I'll tell you what my biggest blocker is. Her name is Ash 😅

But seriously, I haven't gotten any writing done, or done really any work with my writing business in so long because I'm been so focused on trying to launch my other venture. Which has been a lot of learning new technologies when it would have been faster, easier, and better to pay someone to do it for me, except I didn't have the money for that.

But then learning those technologies has sparked side projects that are in various stages of being half-completed.

On FB you recently talked about the differences between grasslands and forests, and my toxic trait is trying to act like a grassland when I'm not, and doing so in a way that's not even particularly useful. The main project is software that helps writers, but it winds up being part of an ecosystem of being an authority for a certain stack of web development tools instead.

And of course, absolutely none of that helps me sell books about gay kids riding dragons 🤷‍♀️

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I was just considering this issue myself. Enjoyed your process and conclusion. 👍🏻

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